Finding Warmth in February:
The Power of Collaboration in Anxious Times
February has arrived with its biting cold and snow, a stark reminder of the anxious times we are living in. The winter storms, both literal and figurative, seem to amplify the anxiety that many of us are experiencing these days. The cold of February can often feel like a metaphor for the chill of uncertainty and fear that grips us. However, in these anxious times, collaboration can be a beacon of warmth and hope.
Recently, we had a Town Hall to discuss Mental Health and Politics. One of the most important takeaways from this meeting was Dr. James Dumerauf’s observation that catastrophizing is not a healthy coping mechanism. Catastrophizing, or imagining the worst possible outcome, can exacerbate anxiety and make it difficult to cope with challenges. His explanation of the Catastrophizing Two Step in below. Instead, the Town Hall itself served as a coping mechanism by providing a platform for collaboration and open dialogue. It allowed us to come together, share our concerns, and support each other.
Collaboration is a powerful tool for reducing anxiety. When we collaborate, we share the burden of our worries and fears, making them more manageable. Working together allows us to pool our resources, knowledge, and strengths, which can lead to more effective problem-solving and decision-making. Collaboration fosters a sense of community and belonging, which can be incredibly comforting in times of uncertainty. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and that we have a support system to lean on.
There are also individual practices we can use to calm our anxiety. Neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki talks about breathing and movement as two key ways to calm anxiety in her TED Talk below. When we take steps to calm our own anxiety, we are better prepared to demonstrate empathy toward others. By calming our own anxiety, we can approach others with a clear mind and a compassionate heart, which can lead to more fruitful and meaningful collaborations.
The cold of February may bring with it a sense of anxiety and uncertainty, but collaboration can provide warmth and hope. Together, we can navigate these anxious times and emerge stronger and more connected.
Barbara Lee VanHorssen